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		<title>Road closures</title>
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			<title>Temporary Road Closure - Bail Street</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Nelson Marlborough Traffic Management to temporarily close the road below to ordinary traffic:<br><br><strong>Bail Street – number 7 Bail Street to end of street<br><br></strong><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Road closures will occur periodically over the next 13 months (3 February 2024 – 1 April 2025) between the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm.</p><p>Businesses and residents on Bail Street will be delivered a letter 48 hours prior to closures occurring.<br><br>The closures are to enable crane lifts for the development at 9 Bail Street.<br><br>Vehicle access for businesses, couriers and home help will be available where possible. Turning for large vehicles may be difficult. Rubbish and recycling bins will be collected as normal.</p><p>No roadside parking in this section will be available.</p><p>Pedestrian will be detoured around the site on Main Road Stoke.</p><p>Nelson City Council would like to thank everyone in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Fri, 26 Jan 2024 14:31:21 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Temporary Road Closure - Wakatu Lane - Trafalgar Street entrance - EXTENDED UNTIL 31 March 2025</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Coman Construction to temporarily close the following road to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>EXTENDED UNTIL 31 March 2025</strong></p><p><strong>Wakatu Lane</strong><strong> – Trafalgar Street Entrance</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Monday 11 March to Monday 31 March 2025 – Closed 24/7. Note: this proposal is for an entire year.<br><strong><br> Date of permanent re-opening -             1 April 2025</strong></p><p>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>The closure is for the demolition of 51 Bridge Street and the construction of a new building.  <br><br>Vehicle access to and from Wakatu Square will via Rutherford Street only.</p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Pedestrian access is now available.</span></p><p>Nelson City Council would like to thank everyone in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Fri, 02 Feb 2024 14:43:08 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Temporary Road Closure - Washington Terrace</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has engaged Nelmac Limited to complete the renewal of the wastewater and water pipe along Washington Terrace.</p><p>This work requires a temporarily closure of the following road to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>Washington Terrace – full length</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Monday 20 January to Friday 21 March 2025 – closed day and night for the duration of the work.</p><p>Vehicle access for residents/businesses, couriers and home help <u>will be available at all times</u> - please follow the directions of onsite staff. <br> Roadside parking will be available – if you are required to move your vehicle onsite staff will let you know. Rubbish and recycling bins will be collected as normal and pedestrian access will be provided safely.</p><p>Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Fri, 13 Dec 2024 16:24:38 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Temporary Road Closure - Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Nelson Marlborough Traffic Management to temporarily close the below roads to ordinary traffic for the dates listed below:</p><ul>
<li>Tahunanui Recreation Reserve</li>
<li>Beach Road from Waikare Street to Golf Road</li>
<li>Golf Road from Beach Road to Parkers Road</li>
<li>Hounsell Circle</li>
<li>Waikare Street</li>
<li>Bisley Walk</li>
<li>Centennial Road</li>
<li>Green Street – from Roto Street</li>
</ul><p><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure:</strong> Sunday 9 March 2025. Closed between 6:30 am – 1:30 pm</p><p>This is for the annual Sanitarium Weet-bix Kids TRYathlon.</p><p>The roads will be closed. Resident/Business vehicle access will be available when safe and directed by the contractor.<br>The eBus (Route 4) will be affected by the closure and will operate an alternative route during this time.</p><p>Nelson City Council thanks the public for its patience and understanding.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Mon, 26 Aug 2024 11:10:07 +1200</pubDate>
			<title>Temporary Road Closure - Richardson Street</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Fulton Hogan to temporarily close the following road/s to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>Richardson Street – between Whitby Road and Washington Road</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Monday 10 March to Friday 28 March 2025 – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (please note - Washington Road intersection closed 24/7)</p><p><strong><em>Contingency dates and times when closure may occur: </em></strong><em>Monday 31 March to Friday 18 April 2025 – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (please note - Washington Road intersection closed 24/7)</em></p><p>The closure is for road surface repairs, including improvements to drainage.   </p><ul>
<li>Vehicle access for all residents/businesses, couriers and home help in affected streets <span style="text-decoration: underline;">will be available via Rocks Road/Richardson Street intersection</span> - please be prepared for delays.<br><br></li>
<li>There will be <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>no access via the Washington Road intersection – this end of the worksite will be closed 24/7</strong></span>. Traffic will be redirected via Princes Drive/Britannia Heights.<br><br></li>
<li>No roadside parking will be available within the work zone. Rubbish and recycling bins will be collected as normal and pedestrian access will be provided safely.</li>
</ul><p>Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Mon, 24 Feb 2025 10:28:41 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Temporary Road Closure - Konini Street</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Hunter Civil to temporarily close the following road/s to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>Konini Street</strong><strong>     </strong></p><p><strong>Stage 1 - between no.33 and no.68 (Up to two days)</strong></p><p><strong>Stage 2 - between no.33 and no.38 (Following Stage 1)</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Wednesday 12 March to Friday 25 April 2025 – starting at 8:00 am on the first day, ending at 6:00 pm on the last day.</p><p><strong><u>(this is a 24 hour closure)</u></strong></p><p><strong><em>Contingency dates and times when closure may occur: </em></strong><em>Contingency is included in the above dates.</em></p><p>The closure is for construction of a new retaining wall at 35 Konini Street to secure the roadside from further subsidence – this project has been commissioned by Nelson City Council.</p><ul>
<li>There will be <u>no vehicle access</u> for residents/businesses, couriers and home help within the closure zones (except in an emergency).</li>
<li>No roadside parking will be available – please park further along the street, there will be signage to direct you.</li>
<li>Pedestrian access will be provided safely and will be available to all properties within the closure zone.</li>
<li>Rubbish and recycling bins will be collected as normal.</li>
</ul><p>Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Fri, 21 Feb 2025 15:56:45 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Proposed Temporary Road Closure - Athol Street</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Nelmac to temporarily close the following road/s to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>Athol Street - between no.6 and no.22</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Thursday 13 March 2025 – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm</p><p><strong><em>Contingency dates and times when closure may occur: </em></strong><em>Friday 14 March 2025 – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm </em></p><p>The closure is for tree maintenance.   </p><ul>
<li>Vehicle access for residents/businesses, couriers and home help <u>will not be available</u> while the trimming is being done due to the road being very narrow.</li>
<li>No roadside parking will be available.</li>
<li>Pedestrian access will be provided safely.</li>
</ul><p>To understand how this closure could impact residents/businesses, Council is seeking feedback on this proposal by <u>11 March 2025</u></p><p><strong>Feedback can be sent:<br></strong>In writing: Attention: Transport Operations, Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson<br>By email: <a href="mailto:road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz">road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz</a></p><p>Feedback (including any personal information such as your name and contact details) will be provided to Council workers for administration, analysing feedback and to support decision making. The content of the feedback (without personal information) will be included in a publicly available meeting agenda. Note that concerns raised in feedback may be provided to a contractor or road closure applicant, along with your name and contact details, to facilitate those concerns being addressed. Please advise Council when providing feedback if you do not wish this to occur. To update any information you have provided, please contact the details above.</p><p>The decision on whether the road will be closed will be advertised on the Council's website, <u>www.nelson.govt.nz</u></p><p>Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p><p> </p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Thu, 27 Feb 2025 10:34:18 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Proposed Temporary Road Closure - Brooklands Road</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Fulton Hogan to temporarily close the following road/s to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>Brooklands Road – full length</strong></p><p><strong>Garin Heights – full length</strong></p><p><strong>- No access for private roads - Brooklands Way and Chamerion Way</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Thursday 13 March to Friday 14 March 2025 – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm</p><p><strong><em>Contingency dates and times when closure may occur: </em></strong><em>Monday 17 March – to Friday 28 March 2025 – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm </em></p><p>The closure is for <strong><u>chip sealing on Brooklands Road</u></strong>.</p><ul>
<li>Vehicle access for residents/businesses, couriers and home help will be available, but <u>please be prepared for delays</u></li>
<li>As the work progresses along Brooklands Road (following the application of the first layer of chip) access will be provided where possible. Please follow the signage and directions from onsite staff.</li>
<li>No roadside parking will be available on Brooklands Road. Rubbish and recycling bin collection will be managed by onsite staff and pedestrian access will be provided safely.</li>
</ul><p>To understand how this closure could impact residents/businesses, Council is seeking feedback on this proposal by <u>10 March 2025</u></p><p><strong>Feedback can be sent:<br></strong>In writing: Attention: Transport Operations, Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson<br>By email: <a href="mailto:road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz">road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz</a></p><p>Feedback (including any personal information such as your name and contact details) will be provided to Council workers for administration, analysing feedback and to support decision making. The content of the feedback (without personal information) will be included in a publicly available meeting agenda. Note that concerns raised in feedback may be provided to a contractor or road closure applicant, along with your name and contact details, to facilitate those concerns being addressed. Please advise Council when providing feedback if you do not wish this to occur. To update any information you have provided, please contact the details above.</p><p>The decision on whether the road will be closed will be advertised on the Council's website, <u>www.nelson.govt.nz</u></p><p>Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Thu, 27 Feb 2025 10:38:26 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Proposed Temporary Road Closure - Hill Street North</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Fulton Hogan to temporarily close the following road/s to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>Hill Street North - between Mako Street &amp; no. 2 (including the intersection with Fullford Drive)</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Friday 14 March – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm</p><p><strong><em>Contingency dates and times when closure may occur: </em></strong><em>Monday 17 March – to Friday 28 March 2025 – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm </em></p><p>The closure is for <strong><u>chip sealing on Hill Street North</u></strong>.</p><ul>
<li>Vehicle access for residents/businesses, couriers and home help will be available, but <u>please be prepared for delays</u>.</li>
<li>As the work progresses along Hill Street North (following the application of the first layer of chip) access will be provided where possible. Please follow the signage and directions from onsite staff.</li>
<li>No roadside parking will be available within the work site. Rubbish and recycling bin collection will be managed by onsite staff and pedestrian access will be provided safely.</li>
</ul><p>To understand how this closure could impact residents/businesses, Council is seeking feedback on this proposal by <u>10 March 2025</u></p><p><strong>Feedback can be sent:<br></strong>In writing: Attention: Transport Operations, Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson<br>By email: <a href="mailto:road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz">road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz</a></p><p>Feedback (including any personal information such as your name and contact details) will be provided to Council workers for administration, analysing feedback and to support decision making. The content of the feedback (without personal information) will be included in a publicly available meeting agenda. Note that concerns raised in feedback may be provided to a contractor or road closure applicant, along with your name and contact details, to facilitate those concerns being addressed. Please advise Council when providing feedback if you do not wish this to occur. To update any information you have provided, please contact the details above.</p><p>The decision on whether the road will be closed will be advertised on the Council's website, <u>www.nelson.govt.nz</u></p><p>Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Thu, 27 Feb 2025 10:45:56 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Temporary Road Closure - Murphy Street</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Fulton Hogan to temporarily close the following road/s to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>Murphy Street – full length<br></strong><strong>Thompson Terrace – full length<br></strong><strong>Ariesdale Terrace – full length<br></strong><strong>Intersection of Murphy Street and Jenner Road</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Monday 17 March to Tuesday 18 March 2025 – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm</p><p><strong><em>Contingency dates and times when closure may occur: </em></strong><em>Wednesday 19 March to Monday 31 March 2025 – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (weekdays only)</em></p><p>The closure is for <strong><u>chip sealing on Murphy Street</u></strong></p><ul>
<li>Vehicle access for residents/businesses, couriers and home help will be available, but <u>please be prepared for delays</u>.</li>
<li>The roads will be closed in two stages to minimise disruption – work will begin at the Southern end (with access to Thompson Terrace and Ariesdale Terrace closed first). As the work progresses along Murphy Street (following the application of the first layer of chip) access will be provided where possible. Please follow the signage and directions from onsite staff.</li>
<li>No roadside parking will be available on Murphy Street. Rubbish and recycling bin collection will be managed by onsite staff and pedestrian access will be provided safely. </li>
</ul><p>Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Mon, 24 Feb 2025 10:33:26 +1300</pubDate>
			<title>Proposed Temporary Road Closure - Kerr Street</title>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>Nelson City Council has received a proposal from Asphalt &amp; General to temporarily close the following road/s to ordinary traffic between the dates listed below:</p><p><strong>Kerr Street – full length</strong></p><p><span><strong>Date and time of scheduled closure</strong></span><strong>: </strong>Monday 17 March to Thursday 20 March – 7:00 am to 6:00 pm</p><p><strong><em>Contingency dates and times when closure may occur: </em></strong><em>Contingency is included in the dates above </em></p><p>The closure is for electrical upgrades planned by Nelson Electricity Ltd.</p><p>This closure will not affect any resident access. Smiths City will provide entry to their car park for the public to access businesses (and parking) along Kerr Street - entry signage will be installed within the accessway. Pedestrian access will be provided safely.</p><p>To understand how this closure could impact businesses, Council is seeking feedback on this proposal by <span style="text-decoration: underline;">12</span><u> March 2025</u></p><p><strong>Feedback can be sent:<br></strong>In writing: Attention: Transport Operations, Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson<br>By email: <a href="mailto:road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz">road.enquiries@ncc.govt.nz</a></p><p>Feedback (including any personal information such as your name and contact details) will be provided to Council workers for administration, analysing feedback and to support decision making. The content of the feedback (without personal information) will be included in a publicly available meeting agenda. Note that concerns raised in feedback may be provided to a contractor or road closure applicant, along with your name and contact details, to facilitate those concerns being addressed. Please advise Council when providing feedback if you do not wish this to occur. To update any information you have provided, please contact the details above.</p><p>The decision on whether the road will be closed will be advertised on the Council's website, <u>www.nelson.govt.nz</u></p><p>Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding when road closures occur.</p>]]></description>
			<pubDate>Tue, 25 Feb 2025 15:32:53 +1300</pubDate>