Climate Change
Dragons' Den: Climate Change Edition
Climate Change - what is it and how could it affect us
Climate Action Plan
Nelson City Council’s Climate Action Plan, setting out its commitments to address climate change over the next decade
Council’s Climate Change Action
Responding to climate change means reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the expected impacts on the Nelson region that will result from a changing climate
Council Climate News
Latest Council climate change news and updates
Declaration of Climate Emergency
At an Extraordinary meeting on Thursday 16 May 2019, Nelson City Council declared a State of Climate Emergency
About Climate Change
Climate Change - what is it and how could it affect us
What Climate Action can our community take?
Some useful tips on how we all can help mitigate climate change
Climate Change Grants
There are three climate change grants available this financial year. These include the Climate Change Community Grant, Business Grant and the Adaptation Grant.