Rachel Reese
My principal place of residence is in the Nelson City Council area.
I've never seen such energy and cohesive momentum than right now in Nelson. We are rightly proud of where we live.
Since becoming Mayor, I've been fortunate to work with people throughout our community who are as passionate as I am for our city.
Together we have built partnerships to support social and cultural wellbeing, attract new investment, deliver key infrastructure, and protect our environment. All while carefully managing Council finances.
We need to keep the momentum going. Improved transport links, a more vibrant city centre, responding to climate change, and delivering affordable housing choice, are my priorities.
My commitment is always to do what's best for our city and I'm clear that we can all enjoy the prosperity this region has to offer.
I look forward to continuing to work hard for you as your Mayor. I ask for your vote - for Nelson's people and prosperity. www.rachelreese.co.nz
Kätahi anö ahau ka kite i tënei momo kaha, anga whakamua i Whakatü i tënei wä. Whakahïhï tätau mö tö tätau käinga.
He waimarie nöku te uru hei Koromatua, ä, he mahitahi me ngä tängata puta noa i tö tätau hapori e rite ana te ngäkaunui ki ahau mö Whakatü.
I tuitui taura-here tautoko tätau mö te oranga päpori me te ahurea, te whai haumitanga hou, te tuku hanganga hira, te tiaki i te taiao me te whakahaere pütea tika.
Me anga whakamua tonu. Ko te kaupapa matua ko ngä hono ikiiki papai, pokapü täone hihiri, te urupare ki te hurihanga ähuarangi, te tuku köwhiringa whare noho whaiutu.
Ka pümau tonu ahau ki te ara mö te painga o tö tätau täonenui, e ähei tätau katoa ki ngä hua o konei.
Ka whakapau kaha tonu ahau hei Koromatua. Homai tö pöti - mö te iwi o Whakatü me te tönuitanga. www.rachelreese.co.nz
What makes Nelson so special for you?
Nelson Whakatū is the place I call home. I returned to NZ in 1998 and found the best place in NZ to raise a family. This city has been kind and generous to me and my family. I spent my childhood shared between Dunedin and Arapawa Island, Marlborough. Perhaps our city brings together the best of those places? We are rich in nature with connections from the mountains to the sea. Children have the space to play and learn in the outdoors. But we are also a city that celebrates heritage, arts, culture and education. I love the fact that we live in a highly connected community where we know each other and welcome a diversity of new residents who make this a tiny global village. I cherish the relationships I have with the Iwi of Te Tauihu, who so long ago welcomed the new settlers to this city. Every day I meet people who are making a positive difference to the wellbeing of our region, people who understand the value of community. I am inspired by our current generation of young leaders. They are innovative and honest. They understand the value of service and they are passionately local to the place they grew up. It is true - this is the best place in NZ to raise a family!
What is your vision for the city?
Nelson – The Smart Little City is the Vision you told us made sense to you and it works for me too. We like the fact that we’re small and as we grow, we don’t want to lose our compact form. We don’t aspire to be Auckland or Wellington or Christchurch. We love that within 5 minutes from every back door in the city we can be walking in the hills, or playing by the river, or walking the dog on the beach, or swimming in the sea. And as we grow, we want to keep it that way. We take care of our natural environment; we think and act sustainably; we take meaningful action on climate change. We have a strong sense of community and we give back through service. No one gets left behind and we know our neighbours. Businesses embrace innovation and technology. We look for new ways of doing things and no problem is too big for Nelson to solve. Clever ideas can become reality here. We’re smart enough to know that we can’t do things alone and we build partnerships with our neighbours, government and globally. We are known as an epicentre for great ideas. We make good things happen and we remain grateful for living in paradise.