Our health and safety policy

Nelson City Council is committed to providing and maintaining a work environment that is safe and healthy for all its workers and other persons affected by Council’s work. 

Nelson City Council is committed to providing and maintaining a work environment that is safe and healthy for all its workers and other persons affected by Council’s work. 

At Council, we work together to advance our vision of a workplace where health, safety and wellness is an essential part of our work environment and workplace culture. 

All Council workers and people leaders will work together to create a safe work environment by: 

  • Ensuring their own safety and ensuring that their actions, or inactions, do not cause harm to others. 
  • Having clear and well understood health and safety responsibilities. 
  • Demonstrating management commitment through visible leadership; an understanding of health and safety management principles; and providing appropriate resources, training and supervision. 
  • Systematically identifying workplace hazards and managing all health and safety risks to a level as low as reasonably practicable. 
  • Working to prevent injury and harmful health or wellbeing impacts in the workplace.  This includes encouraging workers to report any pain or discomfort as soon as possible and supporting the safe and early return to work of employees following injury or illness. 
  • Actively and accurately reporting, recording and investigating all incidents and taking appropriate corrective and preventative actions. 
  • Supporting active employee and union participation in health, safety and wellbeing. 
  • Seeking continuous improvement to health and safety systems. 
  • Meeting legal requirements, including the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, and its supporting regulations and guidelines.  
  • Creating a just culture based on the principles of open reporting and taking a fair and reasonable approach for workers who openly report mistakes. 


signed by 

Lindsay Mckenzie, Chief Executive
1 April 2023