Plan Change 06/02

44 Trafalgar Street

Notification Date: 9 September 2006

Operative Date: 13 August 2007

Following a hearing on 3 April 2007, and the close of appeals with no appeals being lodged, Plan Change 06/02 (as notified) became operative on 13 August 2007.


The Nelson City Council has resolved to amend the Nelson Resource Management Plan by way of a Plan Change pursuant to Clause 5 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991. The change proposed to rezone the property at from 'Open Space Recreation' to 'Residential (Higher Density)', in order to bring the zoning into line with that of other properties in the area which do not form part of the Trafalgar Park complex.

The proposed plan change was publicly notified on 9 September 2006. Submissions closed on 13 October 2006. Two submissions were received, one in favour and one in opposition to the proposed change.

Further Submission closed on 27 November 2006. One further submission was received.

Why the change is needed

While this property was originally owned by the Nelson City Council, and used as a residence for the caretaker of Trafalgar Park, it was sold in 1996 on the understanding that it had a Residential zoning. However, for reasons which are explained in the attached Plan Change document, the 'Open Space Recreation' zoning was retained and, as a consequence, the current owner has title to a property with a very restrictive zoning. Accordingly, the Council has resolved that the only appropriate course of action is to change the zoning to Residential.

Document Library

If you would like further information regarding this Plan Change, please contact the Environmental Planning Administrator on 03 546 0200 or