Plan Change 25

Technical fixes
Publicly notified 25 September 2010
operative 12 march 2012
At its meeting on 24 February 2011 Council resolved to engage an independent Commissioner to hear and make decisions on submissions on proposed Council Plan Change 25 to the NRMP. A hearing was held on 15 July 2011 and the Council publicly notified its decisions on Saturday 5 November 2011.

Technical fixes

Publicly notified 25 September 2010

operative 12 march 2012

At its meeting on 24 February 2011 Council resolved to engage an independent Commissioner to hear and make decisions on submissions on proposed Council Plan Change 25 to the NRMP. A hearing was held on 15 July 2011 and the Council publicly notified its decisions on Saturday 5 November 2011.

A copy of the Commissioner’s Report on Hearing and Decisions on Submissions along with the public notice of decisions is available for download under the ‘Original Documents’ section below.

Every submitter and further submitter was served with a copy of these decisions and  under Cl.14 of the First Schedule of the RMA any submitter or further submitter was able appeal a provision or matter that was the subject of their submission to the Environment Court within 30 working days.

No appeals were lodged in relation to Plan Change 25 and, at its meeting on 23 February 2012, the Council resolved to approve the plan change and make it operative on 12 March 2012.

Plan Change 25.1 – Hazardous substances

This change to Appendix 21 Hazardous Substances reflects the update of NZ Standard AS/NZS 1596:2008 The Storage and Handling of LP Gas. Two inconsistencies are also corrected between the total effects ratios rule (shown in Table 21.2.4) and the reasons for the Industrial Zone effects ratio (AP21.4.16).

Plan Change 25.2 – Noise

This change corrects an inconsistency in the noise rule in the Residential zone (REr.43) Inner City zone (ICr.42) and the Suburban Commercial zone (SCr.36).

Plan Change 25.3 – Tahunanui Slump Slope Risk Overlay

The change amends rule REr.76 which controls heavy structures in the Tahunanui Slump Slope Risk Overlay, to include control over reductions in structure weight as well as increases.

Plan Change 25.4 – Soil disturbance, earthworks and vegetation clearance

This change requires remediation of bare soil areas as soon as practicable but no later than six months after the soil disturbance has occurred. Specifically amended are:

  • soil disturbance rules in three zones: Residential (REr.60), Open Space and Recreation (OSr.48) and Rural (RUr.26);
  • earthworks rules in seven zones: Residential (REr.61), Inner City) ICr.55, Suburban Commercial (SCr.48), Industrial (INr.54), Open Space and Recreation (OSr.49), Rural (RUr.27) and Conservation (COr.25) and;
  • vegetation clearance rules in four zones: Residential (REr.59), Open Space and Recreation (OSr.47), Rural (RUr.25) and Conservation (COr.25).

Plan Change 25.5 – Definitions

Several amendments are made to Chapter 2 Meaning of Words:

  • amends the wording of the road boundary definition (with no change in effect);
  • adds a definition for ‘drip line’ (around trees);
  • amends the defensible space definition;
  • amends the ‘net area’ definition ;
  • adds a definition for ‘predominant slope’; and
  • amends the definition for ‘revegetation’.

Plan Change 25.6 – Landscape rules in the Rural Zone

The changes to the landscape rules in the Rural Zone improve the link between the controlled activity rules related to structures (RUr.54), earthworks (RUr.56) and subdivision (RUr.80) within the Landscape Overlay and Appendix 7 (guide for subdivision and structures in the Landscape Overlay).

Definitions for construction and erection have been added, to provide certainty that these terms include the relocation of a building or structure. This activity has similar effects to construction and erection of new buildings and structures.

Public information

Further submissions to Nelson Resource Management Plan Proposed Plan Changes are public information. Your further submission will be included in reports, which are available to the public and the media.

Documents and downloads

Original documents 

Contact person 

For more information contact the Planning Adviser +64 3 546 0261