Red Cross Hazard App

The Hazard App is a free, comprehensive and convenient way to help you and your family prepare and respond to hazards in New Zealand.

The Hazard App is a free, comprehensive and convenient way to help you and your family prepare and respond to hazards in New Zealand.

The app will guide you through preparing an emergency response kit and plan, what to do during an emergency and give you step-by-step information to help you recover. You will have access to this information even without cell or internet connection. It has information about hazards including floods, earthquakes, tsunami, fire, weather and biosecurity risks. It also has some handy tools such as a torch, strobe light and audible alarm.

The app can also send alerts that you can can target to specific locations, types of hazard and level of alerts. You can send your own ‘I am safe’ message with your current location to your friends, family and social media accounts following an emergency.

Read more on the Hazard App website.

red cross hazards screenshots


To install the app onto your device use the links below or search the applicable store for 'Red Cross Hazard'.

Apple App Store Google Play Store