Nelson Community Patrol

Nelson Community Patrol (NCP) is a group of volunteers who patrol the Nelson, Tahuna and Stoke areas and monitor the closed circuit television cameras around the inner city. It is a voluntary, non-profit group supported by the Nelson Police.

Nelson Community Patrol consists of Nelson residents of all ages, who want to help the police in keeping our town safe from crime. Volunteers work together with the police in a non-confrontational manner, as their ‘eyes and ears’.

NCP volunteers attend police briefings before going out on patrol and have a police radio in the vehicle. Patrols are carried out by pairs of volunteers who do not leave the car. Anything suspicious is reported by radio to the police who then direct police patrols to the incident.

Check us out on Facebook.


For further information on becoming a volunteer contact Liz Reeve, Coordinator, Nelson Community Patrol
027 666 9280