Water restrictions

Nelson currently does not have any water restrictions in place.

Stage 1

Conserve water wherever possible for all activities. Restrictions in effect on outdoor water use.

Pools, spas, water features and water play activities

  • Filling a pool, spa or water feature is prohibited.
  • Topping up a pool, spa or water feature is permitted.
  • Using water for water play activities is permitted.

Outdoor washing (vehicle washing, outdoor surfaces and windows)

Outdoor washing is permitted when using a hand-held hose equipped with a trigger nozzle, high pressure cleaning unit or a bucket.

Grass area and lawns

Watering grass or lawns is permitted on alternate days.

Planting (flower beds, planters trees and shrubs)

Watering permitted when using a hand held hose equipped with a trigger nozzle, time limited water system (automatic, spray or dipper), or a bucket/watering can. Watering protected trees listed in the District Plan is permitted during this watering method.

Productive gardens (fruits and vegetables for domestic use)

Watering permitted when using a hand held hose equipped with a trigger nozzle, time limited water system (automatic, spray or dipper), or a bucket/watering can.

Reminder for residents living adjacent to Champion Road, Wakatu Industrial Estate and parts of Saxton Road West where your water is supplied from the Richmond Water Supply Scheme. Your restrictions will come from Tasman District Council. If you’re unsure which water supply your property is on, please call Nelson City Council on 03 546 0200