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Long Term Plan 2018-28

Council adopted the Long Term Plan 2018-28 on 21 June 2018. The Long Term Plan sets out Council’s programme of works over the next 10 years.

nelson long term plan final document pages

Mayor's Foreword

Nelson is the Smart Little City. It is a vibrant place - where we are deeply connected with, and committed to, our natural, social and cultural environment. Clever business and innovation help us thrive. We enjoy living fulfilled lives in smart, sustainable communities. 

This is our vision for our city, and guides us as we deliver the Long Term Plan 2018-2028. This vision helps us shape our efforts as we keep the key question in our minds - where do we, as a city, want to be in 10 years’ time? Read more

The Long Term Plan will also be available at Council libraries and at the Customer Service Centre.

Our Vision

Long Term Plan 2018 our vision

Our Top Four Priorities for the next 10 Years

  • Infrastructure
  • Environment
  • CBD development
  • Lifting Council performance.

Download the Long Term Plan


  • Submissions were invited between 23 March and 23 April 2018.
  • 434 submissions were received.
  • Hearings were held on 7-9 May 2018.
  • Council deliberations occurred on 15, 16 and 17 May 2018
  • Council adopted the Long Term Plan on 21 June 2018

View the original consultation documents below:

A summary of the decisions made by Council as part of the consideration of submissions can be read in the following media releases and the Our Nelson edition to be published in July 2018:

See the submissions received for the Long Term Plan.