Plan Change 13

Marsden Valley Rezoning and Structure Plan

Notification Date: 9 July 2011

Operative Date: 18 July 2011

At its meeting on 30 June 2011 the Council resolved to make Plan Change 13 (Marsden Valley) operative on 18 July 2011. This was publicly notified on 9 July 2011.

Download the Plan Change 13 Public Notice of Operative Date (42KB PDF)

Decisions notified 16 April 2011

At its meeting on 7 April 2011 Council resolved the following:

THAT the Hearing Committee recommendations on Plan Change 13 – to the Nelson Resource Management Plan…be adopted as the Council decision.

The Hearing Committee recommendations document is available for download here:

Hearing Committee Recommendations on Submissions (3.3MB PDF)

This decision was publicly notified on Saturday 16 April 2011.  The public notice can be viewed here:

Public notice of decisions (41KB PDF)

Under clause 14 of the First Schedule of the RMA any submitter or further submitter may appeal any provision or matter that is the subject of their submission to the Environment Court within 30 working days of this notice.  Therefore appeals on this plan change close on Tuesday 31 May 2011.


Council proposed changes to the Nelson Resource Management Plan (NRMP) to rezone land in Marsden Valley to provide for residential and commercial use. The current zoning pattern provides for a lower density residential use in parts of the valley, while the remainder is zoned for Rural Small Holdings. This plan change is Proposed Plan Change 13. 

Proposed Plan Change 13 (Marsden Valley) was notified for public submissions on 19 September 2009 and a total of nineteen submissions were received.

Plan Change 13 is the first of two stages of plan changes in this area aimed at providing a guiding structure plan for development of the area. (The second stage will cover the remaining properties in Marsden Valley, Enner Glynn and upper Brook Valleys to ensure a controlled and planned growth pattern is established.) 

With the recent rezoning for residential use in Ngawhatu Valley and Marsden Plateau, and direction from the Nelson Urban Growth Study (NUGS) 2006, Council feels it is sensible to strategically plan for the appropriate future use of the neighbouring valleys.

The main features of the proposed changes are:

  • Change in zoning to Residential (standard and higher density)
  • Add an area of Suburban Commercial Zoning
  • Provide for roads, walkways, green space and biodiversity corridors
  • Amend the fault hazard, land management, services and landscape overlays.

The main issues in developing this proposed plan change revolved around zoning patterns to provide for the direction set in NUGS while recognising the landscape importance of particular areas, the geotechnical constraints to increased development, the potential for connections between neighbouring valleys and from existing residential areas, and the preservation of areas of vegetation and native habitat.  Consideration was also given to avoiding placing new areas of housing in positions where conflict might arise from existing quarry operations.  An area of suburban commercial zoning is provided to allow for the creation of a mixed use village centre serving residents both in the valley and from further a field.

NUGS considered areas of Nelson which could be suitable for accommodating future residential growth. Stoke foothills, of which Marsden Valley is a part, was identified as one of these areas. Ngawhatu, Marsden, Enner Glynn, the Upper Brook Valley and the saddles and plateaus in between were all recognised as being suitable for some level of development because they can be serviced, they are close to existing infrastructure and communities and can accommodate careful development without compromising the rural Stoke backdrop.

Proposed Plan Change 13 (Marsden Valley) was publicly notified for submissions on 19 September 2009. 19 submissions were received followed by five further submissions. A hearing was held on 18 and 21 June 2010, and reconvened on 13 September 2010, before a panel of three Commissioners.

Download the Planning Officer’s Report to the hearing (s42A RMA report) (1.6MB PDF)

Download the Summary of Decisions Requested (249KB PDF)

Get a copy of the Proposed Plan Change

Plan Change 13 is fully explained in a document titled Proposed Plan Change 13 - Marsden Valley Re-Zoning and Structure Plan Project, with Part A being the Section 32 analysis and Part B being the Plan Amendments.  It can be viewed at Civic House, all Nelson Public Libraries, and online.


Download the Proposed Plan Change 13, Part A, Section 32 Analysis (346KB PDF).
Download the Proposed Plan Change 13, Part B, Plan Amendments (4.5MB PDF).

If you would like further information regarding this Plan Change, please contact the Environmental Planning Administrator on 03 546 0200 or