Plan Change 05/02
Omnibus Plan Change
Notification Date: 29 October 2005
Operative Date: 26 January 2008
Council formally approved change 05/02 to the Nelson Resource Management Plan on 20 December 2007, which is operative on 26 January 2008.
Plan Change 05/02 originally comprised 50 individual proposed changes to the Plan. The changes are generally minor amendments to existing rules and policies, intended to clarify existing provisions in the Plan or to make them more workable. They also contain proposed new heritage listings, minor changes to reflect amendments to the Resource Management Act, plus one new rule about landfills.
The Nelson City Council has resolved to amend the Nelson Resource Management Plan by way of a Plan Change, pursuant to Clause 5 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991. The Council resolved to proceed with notification of this plan change. The proposed plan change was publicly notified on 29 October 2005.
Plan Change 05/02 originally comprised 50 individual proposed changes to the Plan, however change numbers 23 and 47 were withdrawn by Council. These proposed changes are generally minor amendments to existing rules and policies, intended to clarify existing provisions in the Plan or to make them more workable. They also contain proposed new heritage listings, minor changes to reflect amendments to the Resource Management Act, plus one new rule about landfills.
Submissions closed on 16 December 2005. 15 submissions were received.
A hearing was held to address these submissions on 17 April 2007 and the Commissioner’s recommendations, dated 16 May 2007, were adopted by Council on 5 July 2007.
Change numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 42, 45, 46 and 49.
Document Library
- Omnibus 05/02 - Summary of Submissions Decisions Requested - July 2006 (117KB PDF)
- Omnibus 05/02 - Section 32 Report - October 2005 (301KB PDF)
- Omnibus 05/02 - Report to Environment Committee - Withdrawal of Change 47 - 7 February 2007 (74KB PDF)
- Omnibus 05/02 - Report to Council - Decision on Plan Change - 18 May 2007 (100KB PDF)
- Omnibus 05/02 - Nelson City Council Minutes - 5 July 2007 (246KB PDF)
- Omnibus 05/02 - Report to Environment Committee - Withdrawal of Change 23 - 3 September 2007 (122KB PDF)
If you would like further information regarding this Plan Change, please contact the Environmental Planning Administrator on 03 546 0200 or