Isel Park Tree Walk

A Nelson Heritage Walk
Isel Park contains many remarkable trees. Follow the walk below, or download the map to guide you on a voyage of discovery in this heritage woodland that bursts alive in a glorious show in spring, provides cool restful spaces in summer and celebrates autumn with a riot of colour.

A Nelson Heritage Walk

Isel Park contains many remarkable trees. Follow the walk below, or download the map to guide you on a voyage of discovery in this heritage woodland that bursts alive in a glorious show in spring, provides cool restful spaces in summer and celebrates autumn with a riot of colour.

Isel Park was part of the land purchased by early settler Thomas Marsden. His property was bounded by Songer Street , Main Road Stoke, Arapiki Road and extended up into what is now known as Marsden Valley. Marsden and his wife Mary eventually built their home where Isel House now stands. Thomas and his son James commenced a series of plantings from 1845-1865, some of which can be seen today. Isel Park is famous for containing one of the oldest stands of mixed conifers and other exotic trees in New Zealand.

Two companion walks exist: for the historic focus on the same area see the Stoke Settlement Trail and the Saunter in Stoke explores many attractive green areas and interesting plants.

Also, visit the PROW for more stories about Stoke and the people who lived there.

Download the map

Isel Park Tree heritage walk (156KB PDF)