Making Submissions

Making a submission

You can make a submission on any open consultation in writing to:

Nelson City Council
PO Box 645
Nelson 7040

Submissions can be hand-delivered to Nelson City Council, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson or to any Nelson public library.

Or you can send submissions via email to:

Download the generic submission form.  (188KB PDF)This form can be used to make a submission and also contains guidelines on how your submission should be best structured.

Your submission should say concisely what your concern is OR what you support. Tell us the reasons why you support or oppose this part, and say how you want the Council to respond to your submission. You should also indicate whether you would like to speak to council in support of your submission.

Please note: submissions to Council consultation are public information. Your submission will be included in reports, which are available to the public and the media.