Owen J. Houliston
My principal place of residence is in the Nelson City Council - At Large area.
Forthright, feisty - with common sense! Representated the Richmond Borough Council ratepayers - (Deputy Works Chairman/Town Planning Cancelled).
Represented Council (with the Town Clerk) at the Municipal Conference, Dunedin - and had my say!
Represented Council at South Island Promotion Association. 5 years NZ Black Watch Armoured Corps.
Performed with the Dundin Operatic Society.
Power Board, Senior Foreman - seven staff reticulating underground Main Rd Stoke - 8 months job - commended by the Board Chairman for a job well done.
Recorded my vote against a swimming pool at the time - the only one to identify it as a potential burden on the ratepayers. Not against sporting concepts - I've been a sportsman invovled in Rugby, Cricket, Soccer, Tennis and Bowls.
I would call for an audit of council staffing re: the necessity for some positions (co-ordinators etc) as the rot starts in house.
Would have voted against the Mäori Ward. I will serve you well.
What makes Nelson so special for you?
Ratepayers need Houliston Beaurocrats Don’t Nelson all the attributes of Queenstown with added advantage of a stable environment with lots of sunshine.
Being special is a condition that requires nurturing and it is my opinion that the general health re works and infrastructure requires immediate attention by hands-on Councillors that have fulfilled positions in their day-to-day jobs that they can survive some of the appalling rubbish they are confronted with.
I do have the work experience and as a former Councillor can make a worthful contribution re same.
Should you want a non-PC employee who has been a Deputy Works Chairman and Town Planning member.
Those elected to the well-paid positions should be prepared and have the knowledge to rock the boat when applicable in looking after your interests not to succumb to those whom you seldom see very well paid and make the shots.
Happy for contact (027 727 6257) Thank you one and all.
What is your vision for the city?
This City to move forward in a progressive way requires an international airport, you either advance or regress. It makes sense to fly from overseas directly here be offloaded and travel down East or West Coasts by coach or campervan to wherever and perhaps return via other coasts return from Nelson.
The Trafalgar Centre that I have worked in is an example of your monies wasted on several occasions by well-paid staff and past and current Councillors.
Buxton toilet block thousands wasted those responsible still want a suck of the $42,000 odd thousand, knowing that some entrepreneurs will not bring major shows to this City all their balls-ups by past and some current Councillors, a proper events centre is sorely needed.
Have appeared in many shows myself in Dunedin where I sold hundreds of tickets from D.I.C in 1960’s Black and White Minstrels, Rosemarie on Ice, Cherry Blossom shows, Cambridge Circus with John Cleese, Miss NZ shows, and Howard Morrison shows.
In conclusion a safe City a clean City the elderly and disadvantaged, cared for, and the rubbish properly sorted out? I would if elected certainly not be a patsy Councillor like a great many.
Thank you for your time.