Governance Statement
Download the Governance Statement 2022-2025 (3.4MB PDF)
The Nelson City Council’s Local Governance Statement sets out information about the processes that the Council uses to engage with the residents. It outlines how the Council makes decisions and how residents can take part in the decision making process. It provides the public with information on how to influence local electoral and democratic processes and contains the following broad categories of information:
- Function, responsibilities and activities of the Nelson City Council.
- Electoral arrangements.
- Governance structures and processes.
- How the Councillors make decisions, and how they relate to each other and Council’s management.
- Key policies of the Nelson City Council.
- The Local Governance Statement is a requirement of Section 40 of the Local Government Act 2002. A new Local Governance Statement is required six months after each triennial election.
Delegations Register
The Delegations Register was last amended by Council on 7 November 2024.
Delegations Register (743KB PDF)
Standing Orders
For meetings of Local Authorities and Community Boards. These are issued to assist those local authorities required to comply with Part 4 and Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 and Part VII of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
These Standing Orders were adopted by Nelson City Council at a meeting held on 10 August 2023 and apply to all meetings of this Local Authority, its committees and subcommittees.
Download Nelson City Council Standing Orders (779KB PDF). Adopted by Council on 10 August 2023, last updated by Council resolution 05 September 2024.
Code of Conduct for Councillors
The Code of Conduct sets out principles of good conduct and standards of behaviour for the elected members and also the relationship between the elected members and the public. Councillors have agreed to abide by these principles and standards when carrying out their roles and functions as elected community representatives.
Download the Code of Conduct (1.3MB PDF)
Elected Members' Reimbursements and Expense Policy
The Council’s Reimbursement and Expenses Policy for elected members, as approved by the Remuneration Authority, for the current triennium, is available below: