Annual Plan 2014/15

The 2014/2015 Annual Plan was adopted on 19 June 2014 and is now operational.

If you want to check your rates for the 2014/15 year, you can visit the online rates database.

You can also download the 2014/15 Annual Plan (5.2MB PDF) for full details of all projects and activities to be undertaken during the 2014/15 financial year.

Why do we need an annual plan?

The Government requires every Council to prepare a Long Term Plan (Ten Year Plan). Nelson’s Long Term Plan (LTP) 2012-22 was drafted and adopted last year, but Council is also required by law to let residents know of any changes to what was planned for 2014/15, which is Year Three of the Long Term Plan.

So, in essence, each year of the LTP is its own Annual Plan and should really be what is known as “an exceptions document” to the LTP as it only covers new information from what Council published as its intent last year.
