Plan Change 17
Enner Glynn and Upper Brook Valley Re-zoning and Structure Plan
Notified Date: 25 September 2010
Operative Date: 09 September 2013
At its meeting on 29 August 2013 Nelson City Council resolved to make Proposed Plan Change 17 operative, following resolution of appeals and ensuing Environment Court Consent Order. The Consent Order can be viewed at the "Document Library" section at the bottom of the page.
Decisions were notified on 30 June 2012. One appeal was lodged with the Environment Court from Gibbons Holdings Limited and Fulton Hogan Limited. The appeal sought the flowing relief:
- Delete Rural Zone - Higher Density Small Holdings area.
- Delete indicative walkway/cycleway where in close proxmity to quarry.
- Specifically recognise and protect quarry operations in Plan - including 500m buffer area.
The only affected provisions of Plan Change 17 are those that are subject to appeal, all other proposed provisions (those not subject to appeal) must now be “treated as operative” under RMA s86F.
The full Notice of Appeal is available from the “Document Library” section below. No others sought to be party to proceedings under s274 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Submissions, Hearing and Decisions
Plan Change 17 was publicly notified on 25 September 2010. Submissions closed on 3 December 2010 and 20 submissions were received. A summary of submissions was publicly notified on 22 January 2011 and further submissions closed on 4 February 2011 (12 received).
Council engaged an Independent Commissioner to hear and make decisions on submissions to Plan Change 17. A hearing was held on 13 and 14 December 2011 and the Commissioner’s decisions were received by Council. Decisions were publicly notified on 30 June 2012.
The decisions were to adopt the plan change as notified with the following changes:
- include a restricted discretionary activity step in the biodiversity corridor rule for reductions in the width of the corridor;
- reference to Maori cultural values in Biodiversity Corridors;
- wording changes to definition and explanatory text for Biodiversity Corridors;
- increased recognition of the potential impact of increased public access on legitimate rural activities;
- reduced extent of Rural Zone – Higher Density Small Holdings area and associated Services Overlay around the Brook Saddle;
- changes for consistency with operative Plan Change 13 ‘Marsden Valley’ provisions.
The full decisions document can be downloaded from the "Document Library" section below.
The main features of the Plan Change are:
- New areas of Residential Zoning identified;
- Increased areas of Rural Zone – Higher and Lower Density Small Holdings in Enner Glynn Valley;
- Rural Zoning retained in Upper Brook Valley, and above the Landfill and York Valley Quarry;
- A network of walkway/cycleways, future roads and biodiversity corridors provided through a structure plan;
- Landscape, Services, Land Management, Fault Hazard and Riparian Overlays revised;
- Properties in Marsden Valley that were not included in Plan Change 13 are included here to ensure zoning is consistent.
Document Library
- Plan Change 17 - Plan Change Committee Minutes - 11 December 2009 (129KB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Plan Change Committee Minutes - 29 June 2010 (106KB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Public notice of proposed plan change - September 2010 (29KB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Proposed plan amendments - September 2010 (1.4MB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Section 32 Report - September 2010 (196KB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Public Notice of Submissions and Inviting Further Submissions - January 2011 (25KB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Summary of Submissions Decisions Requested - January 2011 (1.1MB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - S42A Planning Officer's Report - September 2011 (7.6MB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Public notice of Decisions - June 2012 (26KB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Hearing Commissioner Decision Report - June 2012 (12MB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Notice of Appeal: Gibbons Holdings Limited and Fulton Hogan Limited (9.7MB PDF)
- Signed Consent Order - August 2013 (950KB PDF)
- Plan Change 17 - Public Notice of Operative Date - August 2013 (219KB PDF)
If you would like further information regarding this Plan Change, please contact the Environmental Planning Administrator on 03 546 0200 or