Samuels Rose Garden

Samuels Rose Garden, established in 1968, contains 560 named varieties and over 3000 plants including Slaters Crimson China Rose - the first variety of rose grown in New Zealand.

Early settlers brought their favourite roses with them, as roses are only native to the Northern hemisphere. The gardens are named after the late Mr S J Samuels, a rose nurseryman, who donated both the rose stock and bud wood and undertook the budding assisted by his wife. The land was once part of the Broadgreen homestead and was purchased by Council along with the house in 1965. Over the years the Nelson Rose Society has added new cultivars to the collection, and Council continues to upgrade the rose stock as part of its continued management of this asset.

A catalogue listing current plantings of rose varieties in the garden can be purchased at a small cost at Broadgreen Historic House. 

The Rose Walk is an introduction to a few of the special roses you can find in this fragrant garden.

Book the Samuels Rose Garden for a wedding.

Read more about the Rose Walk

History of the garden

In 2018 the Samuels Rose Garden celebrates it's 50th Anniversary. You can read all about the history of the garden and the family that created it here.  (312KB PDF)

Rose Day

An annual Rose day community celebration is held in November each year when the roses are coming into bloom.