Designation of areas for emergency management of buildings

Public notice 24 February 2025 


Since the weather event in August 2022, affected buildings in Nelson have been managed under sub part 6B of the Building Act 2004. The Act requires that this designation is reviewed every 90 days and consideration be given to (amongst other things):

(2) A person making a designation decision must, to the extent that is practicable in the circumstances, have regard to the following matters:

(a) the scale and degree of the impact of the emergency and of its effects on buildings in the relevant area:

(b) the likelihood of a further emergency or any other relevant event occurring that could cause—

(i) buildings in the relevant area to pose increased or additional risks; or

(ii) land in the relevant area to pose a risk to a building:

(c) the principle that it is preferable that risks be managed, if possible, without the exercise or continued exercise of powers under this subpart.

Through this review, Nelson City Council in its statutory role, has made the decision to terminate the designation for all areas in Nelson with the exception of any building that currently has a red or yellow placard. There are currently 70 such buildings with yellow or red placards that will remain as part of the designated area within Nelson, however, the list of these buildings will not be publicly provided due to concerns regarding vandalism of, and/or theft relating to unoccupied dwellings.

If you have any questions or concerns about the remaining designated buildings, please feel free to contact Charlotte Spilman at

Buildings in any area where the designation has been terminated will no longer be subject to management under s.133 of the Building Act and will only be subject to Building Act requirements as per “business as usual”. This means that no placards (stickers) will be placed, updated or otherwise on buildings in these areas. However, some buildings may be subject to Section 124 of the Building Act 2004.

Buildings in any area where the designation remains, (for the purposes of life safety related to the Aug 2022 weather event) will be subject to placards (stickers) placed and or updated on buildings where needed. These areas contain the remaining red or yellow placarded buildings and will be reviewed at the next 90-day review of the designation.