Plan Change 27

Nelson Tasman Land Development Manual 2019 Plan Change

Notification Date: 15 July 2019

Treated as Operative: 9 September 2019

Operative: 23 December 2019

At its meeting on 12 December Council resolved to approve Plan Change 27 to become Operative on 23 December 2019.


The Nelson Tasman Land Development Manual 2019 (NTLDM) and associated practice notes will replace the Nelson Land Development Manual 2010 on 1 July 2019.

Plan Change 27 updated the Nelson Resource Management Plan as follows:

  1. Externally referencing the Nelson Tasman Land Development Manual 2019, and specific chapters of the NTLDM, where relevant, throughout the Nelson Resource Management Plan, in doing so replacing all references to the Nelson City Council Land Development Manual 2010 as a means of ascertaining consent status, and as matters for control or discretion, or as assessment criteria for certain activities including, but not limited to, subdivisions.
  2. Revising the building over or alongside drains rule where it appears in the Nelson Resource Management Plan Zone chapters, the effect of which is to:
    1. alter the consent status of some contravening activities from controlled activities to restricted discretionary activities;
    2. make any building within 3m of the top of a bank of an open drain a discretionary activity; and
    3. make the rule operate in a standalone manner, independent of the NTLDM.
  3. Consequential amendments to the Nelson Resource Management Plan including:
    1. replacing references to LDM ‘minimum’ standards and ‘design guidance’ with references to NTLDM ‘mandatory matters’ or ‘standards’ and ‘good practice (guidance)’;
    2. replacing the description for the LDM with one for the NTLDM in Chapter 3 (Administration);
    3. amending the definitions for ‘all-weather surface’ and ‘permanent surface’; and
    4. replacing the standards for minimum distance of vehicle crossings from intersections, maximum number and minimum spacing of vehicle crossings, design of vehicle access, vehicle oriented commercial activities, and clearances additional to tracking curves in Appendices 11 and 12, with references to the NTLDM, where they are now contained.

Four submissions were received. These were all withdrawn by 9 September 2019. Consequently, there were no changes to the notified version of Plan Change 27.

This was reported to the Environment Committee on 28 November 2019 and at its meeting on 12 December 2019, Council approved to make PC27 operative on 23 December 2019.

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If you would like further information regarding this Plan Change, please contact the Environmental Planning Administrator on 03 546 0200 or